AT: 0800 018108 | NL: 0800 0221642

Patient Trademark




The iRhythmTechnologies’ Zio patch products and related services, including but not limited to the Zio patch, the Zio XT, Zio AT, Zio Monitor and Zio MCT, are covered by or for use under one or more U.S. and international patents or U.S. and international patent applications.



iRhythm, Zio, Zio XT, Zio AT, Zio MCT, Know Your Rhythm, Know Your Rhythm by Zio My Zio, and Zio Suite and iRhythm logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of iRhythm Technologies, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All third-party marks, brands and company names, if any, are or may be the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only. Any use of third-party marks, brands and names does not imply endorsement.